Industry News
Operators First Safety Case
IE have been working with a confidential client to develop its very first Safety Case that will see it becoming a Duty Holder in the UK North Sea. The Safety Case has been submitted to the Health and Safety Executive for review and acceptance.
Coupled with preparation of the Safety Case have been the development of key systems and procedures to support the role of Duty Holder.
This has included an update of the management system and a gap analysis against the UK legal and operating frameworks.
Featured Case Study
Offshore Drill Rig Offshore Audit & Assurance Programme
Integrity Engineering led a rolling audit programme of a major Drilling Contractor offshore in the North Sea to assess the HS&E Management System to manage their UK Drilling activities. Emphasis was on the adequacy and implementation of lessons learnt, competence and training, SIMOPS, HSE Leadership, Planned Maintenance (PM) routines of safety critical equipment (such as BOP’s) and the Works Instruction process.
An important consideration was the SIMOPS interfaces between the drill rig, well test activities and production.
Six offshore audits were conducted on two drill rigs and two onshore audits were conducted in the Company Headquarters in Aberdeen.
Find out more on our work on our Featured Case Studies page.
News and Events
Specialist two day training course 'Safety In Design'
This course has been put together for Contractors and Operators alike. Using a number of worked examples and case studies the following core topics are addressed;-
▪ Inherent Safety in design
▪ Safety Design philosophy
▪ Safety Workshops & their objectives
▪ Prescriptive and Goal setting legislation & the principals of ALARP
▪ Onshore and Offshore layout
▪ Management of Change
Differences between HSE and Process Safety Management
Who should attend?
This Workshop is directly relevant to personnel responsible for process safety management during design, construction and operation of Onshore and Offshore facilities.
This Workshop is classroom based and will be held in a hotel in Central London.
Click here to go to our Training page.